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Hot Synder Reporting Feature: Keep Track of Your Business Analytics

Synder business insights

Have you ever wanted your accounting to help not only with bank reconciliation, but also with learning about your customers and your business performance in general? Then we’re happy to introduce the new Synder reporting feature — Synder Insights!

Synder Insights is a set of instantly generated reports based on data that Synder captures from connected ecommerce platforms and payment gateways, such as sales, customers, products, payment processing fees, etc. This variety of snapshots provides e-commerce businesses with loads of valuable insights for management and growth, allowing them to make decisions not based on assumptions but instead by using accurate data. Ultimately, it becomes a source of truth for the business on different levels, including executives, marketing, etc. 

Get a big picture of customer behavior, manage your products for achieving the highest KPIs, and build your loyalty easier with Synder!

Here’s a sneak peek of the reports Synder is going to provide you with: 

  1. Gross sales  👉 Learn more here
  2. AOV 👉 Learn more here
  3. Platform fees 👉 Learn more here
  1. LTV 👉 Learn more here
  2. Purchase frequency 👉 Learn more here
  3. Time between purchases 👉 Learn more here
  4. New vs Returning customers 👉 Learn more here
  5. Returning customer rate 👉 Learn more here
  6. Top performing customers 👉 Learn more here
  7. Least performing customers 👉 Learn more here
  8. Top refunded customers 👉 Learn more here
  1. Top performing products 👉 Learn more here
  2. Least performing products 👉 Learn more here
  3. Top refunded products 👉 Learn more here
  4. Products most purchased together 👉 Learn more here

Sound compelling? Then try your personal Business Insights reports with Synder’s free trial or schedule a demo session where our specialists will help you with onboarding and managing all settings!

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