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How to Write a Contract: What a Contract Is? Tips for Drafting Agreements & Contracts

How to write a contract

Contracts are the foundation of personal and business interactions, providing a structured and enforceable framework for agreements between parties. Whether engaging in a complex business deal, hiring a new employee, or simply lending money to a friend, having a well-drafted contract is crucial. 

This document outlines the expectations and obligations of all involved and serves as a safeguard against misunderstandings and disputes. With the increasing complexity of modern transactions and the diversity of agreements we encounter daily, understanding the fundamentals of contract writing has never been more important. 

This guide clarifies the contract creation process, offering step-by-step instructions and practical advice to ensure your agreements are effective and legally binding.

Key takeaways:

  • Contracts are crucial for defining the terms of personal and business interactions, providing legal protection and clarity for all parties involved. 
  • Contracts must be drafted precisely to avoid misunderstandings and disputes, particularly in today’s complex and diverse transaction landscape. 
  • While creating contracts on your own for simpler agreements is possible, consulting legal advice for more complex deals is advisable. 
  • Utilizing contract templates and management software can streamline the drafting process and ensure agreements are effectively managed.


1. Some contract basics

  1. What is a contract?
  2. What is the first sentence of a contract?
  3. What is a simple contract?

2. Business contracts: What are they?

3. Why are contracts important?

4. DIY contracts: Can you write a contract on your own?

5. The use of a contract

6. How to write a contract: Step-by-step guide

7. What next? Creating a contract repository

8. Breach of contract: Explanation and implications

9. Common mistakes: Typical errors to avoid & tips for making your contract make sense

10. Utilize contract templates and management software to help create your agreements

11. Streamlining financial integration with Synder sync app

12. How to write a contract: Wrapping up

Some contract basics

Contracts are foundational to both personal and business transactions, providing a legal framework that outlines the terms of agreements between parties. Understanding the basics can help ensure that agreements are effective and legally enforceable.

What is a contract?

A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties that is enforceable by law. It outlines the rights and obligations of each party, ensuring that all participants are clear on the terms of the agreement. 

Contracts can be written, verbal, or implied, but written contracts are often preferred for their clarity and ease of enforcement. To be legally valid, a contract must typically include an offer, acceptance of that offer, mutual consent, consideration (something of value exchanged between the parties), and the legal capacity of the parties to agree.

What is the first sentence of a contract?

The first sentence of a contract often serves as an introduction to the agreement, specifying the parties involved and the contract’s purpose. 

For example, it might read, “This agreement (‘Agreement’) is made on [Date], between [Party A], a [corporation/partnership/individual] with its principal place of business at [Address], and [Party B], a [corporation/partnership/individual] with its principal place of business at [Address].” 

This opening statement sets the stage for the following detailed terms, establishing who is entering into the agreement and the date of its initiation.

What is a simple contract?

A simple contract is an agreement between parties that doesn’t necessarily require a formal structure, specialized terms, or elaborate clauses to be legally binding. It can be written or oral and still be enforceable by law, provided it contains the essential elements of a contract (offer, acceptance, consideration, and mutual intent to be bound). 

Simple contracts, such as purchasing services or goods, are common in everyday transactions. Despite their simplicity, they must still adhere to legal standards and clearly outline each party’s rights and responsibilities.

Business contracts: What are they?

Business contracts are formal agreements between companies or between companies and individuals. They cover various purposes, from sales and service agreements to leases and employment contracts.

Agreements vs contracts: What is the difference?

In the sphere of legal documentation, the terms “agreements” and “contracts” are often used interchangeably, yet they embody distinct concepts with significant implications. 


An agreement encompasses any understanding or arrangement reached between two or more parties, often informal and lacking the stringent requirements for enforceability in a court of law. It’s the preliminary consensus on mutual terms, which may or may not be legally binding. 

On the other hand, a contract is a specific type of agreement that, by meeting certain criteria—such as offer and acceptance, consideration, capacity, and lawful purpose—becomes enforceable by law. This means that should any disputes arise, the aggrieved party has the legal right to appeal to a court for remedies. 


Therefore, while all contracts are agreements, not all agreements qualify as contracts. Understanding this distinction is crucial for individuals and businesses to ensure their arrangements are appropriately documented and enforceable, providing a solid legal and financial security foundation.

Types of business contracts

Business contracts vary widely based on their purpose, the parties involved, and the agreement’s specifics. Here are some of the most common types.

Types of business contracts

1. Service agreements

These contracts outline the terms under which one party agrees to provide a service to another. They cover aspects such as the scope of work, duration, payment terms, and confidentiality requirements. Service agreements are common in industries like marketing, consulting, and IT services.

2. Sales contracts

Sales contracts are used when goods are bought and sold. They specify the goods being sold, the purchase price, delivery details, and warranties or guarantees. These contracts are crucial in manufacturing, retail, and wholesale industries.

3. Lease agreements

Lease agreements are contracts in which one party (the lessee) agrees to rent property owned by another party (the lessor) for a specified period in exchange for payment. These are widely used in real estate for commercial properties, equipment leasing, and vehicle rentals.

4. Partnership agreements

These contracts are used when two or more parties agree to enter into a business partnership. They detail each partner’s contribution, share of profits (or losses), management roles, and procedures for resolving disputes and dissolving the partnership.

5. Employment contracts

Employment contracts specify the terms of an individual’s employment with a company, including job responsibilities, salary, benefits, and conditions under which the employment can be terminated. They are essential for clarifying the employer-employee relationship.

6. Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs)

NDAs are used to protect sensitive information. They require parties to keep specified information confidential and outline the consequences of disclosure. These contracts protect intellectual property and proprietary information during negotiations and partnerships.

7. Franchise agreements

These contracts are between franchisors and franchisees, allowing the franchisee to operate a business under the franchisor’s brand and business model. They cover rights to use trademarks, operational guidelines, and financial arrangements.

8. Licensing agreements

Licensing agreements grant one party the right to use another party’s intellectual property (IP) in exchange for royalties or a fee. These are common in technology, entertainment, and branded merchandise.

9. Supply agreements

Supply contracts are agreements between suppliers and purchasers to provide goods or materials. They define the product specifications, delivery schedules, pricing, and quality standards.

Each type of business contract serves a specific purpose and addresses the parties’ unique needs. Effective business contracts are carefully drafted to be clear, comprehensive, and tailored to the specific transaction, ensuring that all parties’ rights and interests are protected and the business relationship is set on a solid legal foundation.

Why are contracts important?

Contracts are fundamental to business operations and personal transactions, serving as the foundation of trust and accountability in almost every economic exchange. Their importance cannot be overstated, as they provide a structured and legally enforceable framework for parties to operate. Here are several key reasons why contracts are crucial.

Why are contracts important?

1. Clarity and certainty

Contracts clearly outline all parties’ expectations, responsibilities, and obligations. This clarity reduces ambiguity, ensuring that everyone understands their roles and the terms of the agreement, which in turn minimizes the potential for disputes.

One of the primary benefits of contracts is the legal protection they offer. Should disputes arise, a well-drafted contract can decide in legal proceedings, offering a solid basis for resolving misunderstandings and enforcing rights. It delineates the recourse available to parties and the penalties for non-compliance, safeguarding all involved’s interests.

3. Risk management

Contracts help manage risks by detailing the terms of engagement, including payment terms, delivery schedules, quality standards, and confidentiality clauses. By explicitly stating what is expected from each party, contracts help prevent conflicts and provide a means for their resolution, thereby reducing the risks associated with business transactions.

4. Binding agreement

By signing a contract, parties legally commit to fulfilling their part of the agreement. This binding nature ensures a higher level of seriousness and commitment to the transaction, as failure to comply can result in legal consequences, including damages or specific performance.

5. Maintaining relationships

Contracts can actually strengthen business relationships by providing a clear framework within which parties can collaborate. Knowing that a mutual understanding and a formal agreement is in place often leads to better cooperation and trust between parties, facilitating smoother business operations and long-term partnerships.

6. Flexibility

Contracts can be tailored to fit the specific needs and circumstances of the parties involved. This flexibility allows for customized agreements that reflect the unique aspects of each transaction, providing solutions that standardized agreements cannot.

7. Economic efficiency

Contracts facilitate economic transactions and contribute to market efficiency by making agreements explicit and enforceable. They enable parties to allocate resources and plan for the future more confidently, knowing their interests are protected.

8. Dispute resolution

Many contracts include clauses specifying how disputes should be resolved through arbitration, mediation, or court proceedings. These provisions help manage and resolve conflicts efficiently, often without the need for costly and time-consuming litigation.

In essence, contracts are vital tools for ensuring that clear, agreed-upon terms govern transactions and relationships. They provide a safety net that allows businesses and individuals to engage with each other securely and with confidence. Whether in the context of a complex international trade deal or a simple service agreement, the importance of having a well-drafted contract cannot be underestimated.

DIY contracts: Can you write a contract on your own?

The short answer is yes, you can write a contract independently. Many people and businesses do, especially for more straightforward agreements with relatively low stakes. However, the real question is not just whether you can, but whether you should and how to ensure it’s done correctly. Here’s a deeper look into DIY contracts:

When you might write your own contract

When I need to write my own contract

1. Simple transactions

A DIY contract can suffice for straightforward exchanges, like selling a used piece of equipment or offering basic freelance services. These agreements don’t typically involve complex legal considerations or significant risks.

2. Budget constraints

Small businesses or individuals might not have the resources to hire a lawyer for every contract. In such cases, drafting your own contract can be a cost-effective solution.

3. Familiarity with the law

If you understand contract law well or are dealing with an area you’re familiar with, you might be more comfortable drafting your own contract.

While writing a contract on your own is certainly possible, doing so with care and consideration is crucial. DIY contracts can be effective for simple agreements, but understanding the basics of contract law and ensuring your contract is clear, detailed, and compliant with legal standards is key to creating a document that serves its purpose and protects your interests.

The use of a contract

Understanding when to use a contract and when it might be unnecessary or even counterproductive is crucial for effectively managing personal and business relationships. Here’s a deeper dive into both scenarios.

When to use a contract

When to use a contract

1. Business transactions

Any time you enter a business relationship, whether for buying or selling goods and services, leasing property, or engaging in a partnership, a contract provides a legal framework that defines the relationship, terms, and conditions.

2. Employment agreements

Hiring employees or contractors should always involve a contract that outlines terms of employment, compensation, responsibilities, and conditions under which the employment can be terminated.

3. Large personal transactions

For significant personal transactions, such as buying a car or lending a substantial amount of money to a friend, a contract can help ensure clarity and protect the interests of all parties involved.

4. Intellectual property

If you share proprietary information, creative work, or inventions, a contract (like a non-disclosure agreement) can safeguard your intellectual property.

5. Long-term agreements

Contracts are essential for defining long-term responsibilities and expectations for agreements that span a considerable time, such as property leases or ongoing service provisions.

6. Complex agreements

Whenever an agreement involves multiple complex terms, such as exclusivity clauses, deliverables with specific standards, or tiered payment schedules, a contract helps ensure all nuances are legally recognized and enforceable.

When not to use a contract

When not to use a contract

1. Minor transactions

Everyday transactions, such as buying a coffee or getting a haircut, do not require contracts as the general law of sales or services governs them.

2. Personal favors

When helping out a friend or family member with no expectation of payment or formal exchange, a contract might be unnecessary and could strain the relationship.

3. Trust-based relationships

In some cases, particularly within small communities or tightly-knit industries, agreements might be based on trust and a handshake. However, this is becoming less common in a litigious society, and even trust-based relationships can benefit from the clarity a contract provides.

4. Impractical or enforceability issues

If the terms of the agreement would be impossible to enforce or if the cost of enforcement would outweigh the benefits of the contract, it might not be practical to formalize the agreement in a contract.

Deciding whether to use a contract often comes down to assessing the risk, the value of the agreement, and the potential for disputes. Contracts are valuable tools for defining relationships and obligations, providing legal protection, and ensuring peace of mind for all parties involved. However, understanding when a less formal approach might be appropriate can save time and resources while maintaining good personal or professional relationships.

How to write a contract: Step-by-step guide

Writing and managing a contract effectively post-creation are critical skills in both personal and professional contexts. Here’s a step-by-step guide to drafting a contract, followed by insights into creating a contract repository for efficient management.

1. Identify the parties

Clearly specify who is involved in the agreement. Use full legal names and titles or roles to avoid ambiguity.

2. Define the scope

Detail the goods, services, or other considerations being exchanged. Be as specific as possible to ensure clarity and avoid misunderstandings.

3. Set the terms and conditions

Outline all relevant terms, including payment schedules, deadlines, deliverables, and any other conditions in the agreement.

4. Include warranties and representations

These are statements of fact that parties assert to be true, including qualifications, abilities, or the condition of goods.

5. Detail termination clauses

Specify under what circumstances the contract can be terminated, including breach conditions, notice requirements, and any penalties or consequences of termination.

6. Outline dispute resolution procedures

Define how disputes will be handled should they arise, including arbitration, mediation, or legal action, and specify jurisdiction.

7. Incorporate confidentiality clauses

If applicable, include terms to protect sensitive information shared between parties during the course of the agreement.

8. Add a signature section

Ensure there is a place for all parties to sign the contract, making it legally binding. Include dates next to signatures for reference.

9. Review and revise

Consider having a legal professional review the contract to ensure it’s comprehensive and legally sound. Make any necessary revisions based on feedback.

10. Execute the contract

Have all parties sign the contract. It’s often advisable to sign in the presence of a witness or notary, depending on the nature of the agreement and legal requirements.

What next? Creating a contract repository

After drafting and executing contracts, managing them efficiently is crucial for ensuring they are accessible and enforceable when needed. A contract repository is a system or location where contracts are stored and managed. Here’s how to create one.

How to create a contract repository

1. Set up a contract repository

After contracts are signed, create a centralized location for storage and management.

2. Choose storage type

Decide between digital or physical storage based on accessibility and security needs.

3. Organize contracts

Categorize contracts for easy retrieval, such as by date, involved party, or type.

4. Ensure security

Implement measures to secure the repository, with backups for digital files or secure locations for physical documents.

5. Maintain an index

Keep a summary of contracts with key details (parties, dates, terms) for quick reference.

6. Access controls

Define who can access the repository to protect confidentiality while ensuring necessary availability.

7. Regular review

Periodically update the repository to add new contracts, remove expired ones, and check for renewals or terminations.

8. Compliance monitoring

Use the repository to monitor adherence to contract terms and obligations, facilitating effective contract management.

Breach of contract: Explanation and implications

A breach of contract occurs when one or more parties fail to fulfill their obligations as outlined in a contract without a lawful excuse. Breaches can vary in severity from minor deviations, which slightly affect the contract’s value, to major breaches that undermine the contract’s entire purpose. Understanding a breach’s implications is crucial for enforcing contractual rights and mitigating potential losses.

Types of breaches

1. Minor (or partial) breach

A minor breach happens when the breach does not significantly affect the contract’s fulfillment. The aggrieved party can still claim damages but cannot terminate the contract.

2. Material breach

This is a serious failure to perform the contract’s terms, allowing the non-breaching party to seek damages and potentially terminate the contract.

3. Anticipatory breach

It occurs when one party indicates in advance that they will not fulfill their contractual obligations, allowing the other party to take legal action immediately.

4. Actual breach

It happens when a party fails to fulfill their obligations by the due date or performs incompletely or unsatisfactorily.

Managing breach of contract

1. Preventative measures

Clear contract terms, proper vetting of parties, and regular communication can help prevent breaches.

2. Immediate action

Address potential breaches as soon as they are identified. Early intervention can minimize damages and might provide more options for resolution.

Consulting with legal professionals can provide insight into the rights and remedies available, helping to navigate the complexities of breach of contract.

Understanding contract breaches’ nuances and implications is essential for effectively managing contracts. Whether you’re a business owner, a service provider, or a consumer, knowing how to respond to and resolve breaches is key to protecting your interests and maintaining healthy professional relationships.

Common mistakes: Typical errors to avoid & tips for making your contract make sense

Avoiding common mistakes in contract drafting and execution is crucial for ensuring agreement validity, enforceability, and effectiveness. Here are some typical errors to watch out for.

1. Vague or ambiguous language

Issue: Unclear terms can lead to different interpretations, disputes, and contract enforcement challenges.

Tip: Use precise, unambiguous language and define key terms to ensure clarity.

2. Incomplete or missing terms

Issue: Omitting essential details about the agreement’s terms, such as payment schedules, deliverables, or responsibilities, can cause significant misunderstandings.

Tip: Ensure all critical aspects of the deal are explicitly outlined in the contract.

3. Failing to address potential changes

Issue: Contracts that do not include provisions for modifications or unforeseen circumstances can become impractical or irrelevant.

Tip: Incorporate clauses allowing amendments and adjustments based on mutual agreement or specific triggers.

4. Ignoring applicable laws and regulations

Issue: Non-compliance with relevant legal requirements can render a contract invalid or unenforceable.

Tip: Ensure the contract adheres to all applicable laws, including state, federal, and international regulations pertinent to the agreement.

5. Overlooking confidentiality provisions

Issue: Without explicit confidentiality clauses, sensitive information may be inadequately protected.

Tip: Include clear confidentiality or non-disclosure provisions to protect proprietary information.

6. Inadequate dispute resolution mechanisms

Issue: Lack of predefined dispute resolution mechanisms can lead to costly and time-consuming litigation.

Tip: Specify dispute resolution procedures, such as mediation, arbitration, or specific courts, within the contract.

7. Neglecting termination clauses

Issue: Contracts without clear termination provisions can leave parties trapped in unfavorable agreements.

Tip: Define conditions under which the contract can be terminated, notice requirements, and any associated penalties or processes.

8. Assuming oral agreements are sufficient

Issue: Relying on verbal agreements can make it difficult to prove terms or enforce the contract.

Tip: Always formalize agreements in writing, even if the law does not require it, to ensure there is a tangible record of the terms.

9. Not reviewing the final document

Issue: Failing to review the contract thoroughly can result in errors or omissions that might not reflect the parties’ agreement.

Tip: Carefully review the entire contract, ideally with legal counsel, before signing to ensure accuracy and completeness.

10. Forgetting to include signature blocks

Issue: Contracts without proper signature blocks may not be legally binding.

Tip: Include designated areas for all parties to sign and date the contract, potentially in the presence of witnesses or a notary, if required.

By avoiding these common mistakes, parties can create more effective, enforceable contracts that clearly delineate rights and responsibilities, reduce the potential for disputes, and provide mechanisms for addressing issues that may arise during the life of the agreement.

Utilize contract templates and management software to help create your agreements

Utilizing contract templates and management software is a practical and efficient method for drafting agreements in today’s business environment. These resources offer a solid foundation for creating contracts, ensuring that all necessary legal elements and clauses are included. 


Contract templates serve as a starting point, tailored to various types of agreements, from employment contracts to service agreements, providing a comprehensive structure that can be customized to fit specific needs. This customization allows for incorporating unique terms and conditions without starting from scratch, significantly reducing drafting time and potential legal oversights.


Contract management software, on the other hand, brings a higher level of organization and efficiency to the contract creation process. It facilitates digital drafting, reviewing, and signing contracts, streamlining workflows and eliminating the need for physical paperwork. 

Features such as automated reminders, version control, and electronic signatures ensure that contracts are executed promptly and securely. Moreover, these tools often include analytics capabilities, offering insights into contract performance and risk areas, which can inform future contract strategies.

Contract templates and management software represent a modern approach to contract creation. They save time, reduce errors, and enhance the overall management of contracts throughout their lifecycle. By leveraging these tools, businesses can ensure that their agreements are legally sound, reflect their intentions, and are managed efficiently, ultimately supporting smoother operations and relationships with partners, employees, and customers.

 Streamlining financial integration with Synder sync app

In the sphere of contract management, a crucial aspect often overlooked is the seamless integration of financial data. We’re talking about the significance of the ongoing synchronization of transactions from payment platforms to accounting systems within businesses & further automatic bank reconciliation. 

Tools like the Synder sync app play a key role in this process, facilitating the automatic transfer of financial data generated from e-commerce platforms (such as Stripe, PayPal, Shopify, etc.) to accounting companies (like QuickBooks Online, QuickBooks Desktop, Xero, or Synder Accounting). 

This synchronization ensures that transactions resulting from contractual agreements are accurately recorded in the financial books, aligning with contract terms. 

By automating the flow of financial information, businesses enhance the efficiency of their accounting processes and fortify the connection between contractual commitments and financial realities.

The automated synchronization of transactions contributes to a holistic financial management approach, where the reconciliation of contractual obligations and financial records becomes a cohesive and error-free operation, fostering financial accuracy, transparency, and overall business success.

Take advantage of the opportunity to optimize your business processes and explore Synder features with a free trial. To gain more insights and tips, consider taking part in the informative Weekly Public Demo offered by Synder. Elevate your financial management with Synder – where simplicity meets effective financial operations.

Related reading: 8 Hoorays for Synder: Why E-Commerce Needs Synder’s Automation

How to write a contract: Wrapping up

Writing a contract can seem daunting, but it is a vital skill in today’s world, where agreements form the basis of most personal and professional interactions. 

From identifying the parties involved to defining the scope and setting the terms and conditions, each step in the contract creation process plays a crucial role in ensuring the agreement’s success and enforceability. 

By following the guidelines provided, utilizing templates, and considering the use of contract management software, individuals and businesses can create contracts that protect their interests and foster positive relationships. However, while DIY contracts can be suitable for simpler agreements, consulting with legal professionals for more complex or high-stakes contracts is always advisable. Remember, a well-crafted contract is more than just a document; it’s a peace of mind. 

Share your opinion 

How do you approach writing contracts? Have you found certain strategies or tools particularly helpful? Perhaps you’ve encountered challenges or learned lessons the hard way. We encourage you to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Your input helps others in our community navigate the complex yet crucial world of contract writing.

Learn essential strategies to prevent and resolve duplicate payments by exploring our article, ‘Duplicate Payments: How to Avoid & Fix Duplicate Payments.’ Take a moment to review and safeguard your financial processes against costly errors.

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