Whenever you make a sale on Etsy, there’s a 6.5% transaction fee, calculated from the total order amount, which includes the item's price and any additional costs, such as shipping and gift wrapping. This fee is separate from the listing and payment processing fees, and it only applies once an item has been purchased.
The fee is charged in the currency of your listing, and if you’re selling from outside the U.S. or Canada, taxes might factor in, depending on local regulations.
Note: For sellers offering free shipping, the transaction fee still applies to the built-in shipping cost within the item's price.
Want a stress-free Etsy bookkeeping experience? Let Synder automate your sales, fees, and taxes, automatically syncing them right into QuickBooks, Xero, or Sage Intacct. Book a call with our automation specialist, and we’ll find the best solution for your needs.