This guide lists the different transaction statuses for per transaction mode of sync, with a description for each. The transactions synced by Synder are listed in the Platform transactions tab. For most of these statuses, there’s a clickable Explain link below the sync status so you can get more context such as direct links to the transaction records in your books, error info and relevant guides to fix the issue.

Sync Statuses

Status CategoryStatusWhat to do
FailedFailed Check sync info for possible fix with possible need to contact Support
FailedRollback FailedCheck sync info for possible fix with possible need to contact Support
FailedRule Failed Check Smart Rule settings and possible need to contact Support
FailedCanceled Please click the Explain link for a possible fix
FailedRollback Canceled Manually resync or re-link accounting software
FailedNot parsed Review transaction from e-commerce/payment platform and if needed, manually create transaction record in books
In your booksSynced No action required
In your booksSynced with warnings No action required for most cases. Click the Explain link for more details.
In your booksSkipped No action required
In progressIn Progress No action required
In progressScheduled No action required
In progressRollback in progress No action required
In progressRollback Scheduled No action required
Ready to syncReady to Sync Review transaction details and manually push to sync
Ready to syncPending Wait until fully processed and Synder will process the sync
DeletedDeleted Successful result of the rollback. Review transaction details. You can manually resync if the transaction needs to be in your books.
DeletedDeleted with warnings Check issue with rollback by clicking Explain link



The sync process encountered an error and was not completed.
Please click on the Explain link below the sync status to get more information such as error message and a relevant guide to fix it. The details in the sync info would also be helpful in case you need to reach out to Synder Support.

Rollback Failed

The rollback of the transaction encountered an error and was not completed.
Please click on the Explain link below the sync status to get more information such as error message and relevant guide to fix it.
This can be caused by insufficient permission level or operation not allowed while in multi-user mode (for QuickBooks Desktop).
The details in the sync info would also be helpful in case you need to reach out to Synder Support.

Rule Failed

The sync pushed through, but the relevant Smart Rule wasn’t applied. 
Please click on the Explain link below the sync status to get more information such as error message and relevant guide to fix it. The details in the sync info would also be helpful in case you need to reach out to Synder Support.


The sync process was interrupted due to something. Usually it’s an issue in the setup, which you can easily fix.
This happens due to several cases and here are the most common:

  • Multicurrency isn’t set up. To sync multicurrency transactions, the multicurrency feature should be enabled in the accounting platform and in Synder. Learn more. Once the setup is correct, sync transactions again.
  • No available syncs on sync balance (you can upgrade the plan or wait for the new portion of syncs to arrive). Once credits are available, sync transactions again.
  • You canceled synchronization manually. In this case, you can manually sync transactions again by navigating to the Platform transactions tab > Filter for Canceled transactions > Click Select all transactions button > Select Sync in the Actions’ dropdown menu
  • Insufficient mappings (if the mappings are required, like for Summary synchronization or for Revenue Recognition features). Complete the mappings and sync transactions again.
  • Platform is disconnected. Synder often needs to grab additional details for the synchronization from the source platform. Connect it in settings and sync transactions again.

Rollback Canceled

The rollback of the transaction was not completed. 
Please click on the Explain link below the sync status to get more information such as error message and relevant guide to fix it. This happens when you manually cancel the rollback process or the accounting software was disconnected during the rollback.
If you want to cancel rollback, select Sync on the 3-dot menu for the transaction.

For canceled rollback due to disconnected accounting software, make sure to reconnect the accounting software on My account > Accounting company, then head back to the Platform transactions tab to resync.
The details in the sync info would also be helpful in case you need to reach out to Synder Support. 

Not parsed

The transaction type is not yet supported by Synder.
Please manually create the transaction record in your books or let us know which transaction type/s you need, and we’ll add your feedback to our feature requests list.
You can also opt to export the Not parsed transactions to an Excel sheet.

  1. On the Platform transactions tab, filter for Not parsed transactions
  2. Click Select all transactions button
  3. On the Actions dropdown, click Export to excel

In your books


The transaction was successfully recorded in your books.

Synced with warnings

The sync process was completed, but there are some details that you might need to know.
In 99% of cases, this is not an issue, and it just indicates that there is some information that you need to be aware of. For example, an item specified in the transaction is inventory type in Shopify but non-inventory in QuickBooks.
Please click on the Explain link below the sync status to get more information such as error message and relevant guide to fix it. The details in the sync info would also be helpful in case you need to reach out to Synder Support.


Synder detected the same transaction in your books, so the synchronization was skipped, not to create a duplicate.
If Synder has already recorded a transaction to your books, but you accidentally selected it and pushed the app to synchronize it again, Synder will skip the sync and leave a warning about this in the sync log.
Please click on the Explain link below the sync status to get more information. Synder provides the link to the transaction from your books which caused the skip.

In progress

In Progress

The transaction is currently being processed.
Indicates the transaction that is actively being synced to the books among all the Scheduled transactions in the queue.


The transaction is queued up for synchronization.
Sync times vary and can be affected by factors such as number of items, discounts, tax info, customer details, checks for duplicates, etc.

Rollback In Progress

The transaction is actively being rolled back by the system.
Once the rollback is complete, the transaction would have a Deleted status or Deleted with warnings. Please click on the Explain link below the sync status to get more information such as error message and relevant guide. The details in the sync info would also be helpful in case you need to reach out to Synder Support.

Rollback Scheduled

The transaction is queued for rollback.

Ready to sync

Ready to Sync

The transaction was imported into Synder, but not yet synced into your accounting software. 
This happens when you perform a manual import or launch Synder for the first time. Transactions need to be pushed to sync via steps described in this guide. You can consider toggling on Auto-sync via this guide instead of manually syncing transactions in Ready to Sync status.


The payment has not been processed by the payment processor.
The transaction will be ready for syncing once the connected platform has finalized the transaction. No actions are required from you.



The transaction was successfully deleted from your books.
This means the transaction record created by Synder was deleted from your books. You can sync it back to the accounting platform at any time. Learn more about Synder’s rollback function here.

Deleted with warnings

The rollback process was successfully processed, however, some parts of the synced objects may remain in the books.
An example case would be Synder rolled back the transaction from the books, however, the customer record remained in the books. Please click on the Explain link below the sync status to get more information. The details in the sync info would also be helpful in case you need to reach out to Synder Support. Just send us the details, and we’ll help you figure it out.

For example, let’s check what syncs failed, synced with warnings or were skipped. Select these statuses and click Apply filter.

Reach out to the Synder Team via online support chat, phone, or email with any questions you have – we’re always happy to help you!

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