For users looking to streamline their accounting processes by posting aggregated data, Synder offers the Summary Sync feature. This feature allows for two data aggregation methods: Daily Summary and Per-Payout Summary.

Daily Summary:

In this mode, Synder compiles all transactions for a day and synchronizes them to your books as a single journal entry or invoice along with a corresponding payment per platform.

Per-Payout Summary:

This setting consolidates all transactions associated with a particular payout, simplifying management and reconciliation in your accounting platform.

Understanding clearing account lines in summary preview

During the setup of the Synder organization, a clearing (or holding) account is automatically created. This standard procedure ensures smooth reconciliation. With Daily Summaries, this account temporarily holds transaction data until a settlement/payout is processed by your payment platform. Synder then records this as a financial transfer from the clearing account to your primary checking account. Those lines can be seen on the summary preview page as depicted below:

When “Per-Payout Summary” is enabled, Synder aggregates all transactions related to a particular payout. This ensures that your clearing account always balances to zero and is automatically reconciled, as journal entries account for these payouts.

You may occasionally notice clearing account lines on your Summary Preview page. However, after the sync, the journal entry in your books lacks the clearing lines, as shown below:

In these instances, Synder skips synchronization to the clearing account and syncs directly to the bank, eliminating the need to temporarily ‘store’ the funds. Rest assured that your clearing account in the books will remain unaffected and there’ll be no records made to the clearing account lines in the journal entries posted to your books.

Such cases are typical under certain conditions, such as if the summary spans multiple months, involves multicurrency transactions, or includes reserved balances

Reach out to Synder Team via online support chat, phone, or email with any questions you have – we’re always happy to help you!

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