
  1. What happens to products after synchronization
  2. How to set up product mapping in Synder
  3. How to check the product mapping results
  4. Important note

What happens to products after synchronization

Synder is able to recognize existing product names in your accounting system after synchronizing the transactions containing them. If the identical match by an item name or SKU (spelling should be exactly the same) is found, Synder will apply the product found to the transaction. As a result, the balance of an income account linked to this product will be updated.
If a product name is missing in QuickBooks Desktop, Synder will create either an item name or SKU after the sync.

How to set up product mapping in Synder

To map product names from your payment platform/sales channel to your accounting company, do the following:

1. Go to the Settings tab on the left-side menu → navigate to the Products/Services tab → scroll down the page.

2. Click on Import product list to be able to select the necessary products from QuickBooks Desktop.
Note 1: Every time you create a new product in QBD and want to map it to the one in your payment platform/sales channel, make sure to click on Import product list.
Note 2: To import a list of products, both QBD and the Synder connector should be up and running.

3. Click Add line to add a new line to map products.

4. Select your QuickBooks Desktop products from the dropdown (the left field) and type in the product names from your payment platform/sales channel in the right field.
Note: Item names/SKUs you type in the right field must be identical to the names you have on your payment platform/sales channel side.

5. Click Update to save the settings.

How to check the product mapping results

Let’s say you have a transaction for the Red apples product in Shopify. If you map it to the Apple product on the product mapping step and sync this transaction, the system will replace the Red apples item with the Apple product without creating a new one.

Important note

Product mapping is available on the Scale and Large plans. If you have a lower tier, please make sure to upgrade.

Reach out to the Synder Team via online support chat, phone, or email with any questions you have – we’re always happy to help you!

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