When Synder pulls data from your connected integrations, it does so through API (Application Programming Interface) requests. An API acts as a bridge, enabling two systems to communicate and exchange data seamlessly. The data model is structured to ensure efficient data transfer, though it’s important to note that API rate limits can impact the speed and volume of data being synced.

However, many platforms and integrations place limits on how many API requests (calls) can be made within a certain period (often called “API limits”). These limits are set to prevent overloading the system or causing performance issues.

Why do API limits matter?

Synder uses API requests to import and sync your data with the software. When an integration reaches its API usage limit, Synder is temporarily unable to continue the process. It’s like waiting in line at a crowded store—once you hit the limit, you have to wait until there’s space to continue. The software will automatically resume syncing once the API limit resets, creating a seamless experience for managing your data.

When this happens, Synder will automatically pause any ongoing processes, such as data imports or synchronizations. But don’t worry—there’s no need for you to take any action! Once the integration clears its API limits (typically after a short waiting period), Synder will automatically resume all processes that were on hold.

What should you expect?

Temporary pauses: If Synder hits an API limit, any import or sync tasks in progress will be paused. The duration of the pause depends on the cloud integration’s policies, which could range from a few minutes to a few hours. You’ll see a banner above the transactions list showing when Synder will resume the process.

Automatic resumption: Once the API rate limits are reset by the integration, Synder will pick up right where it left off. You don’t need to manually restart any processes—your data sync will resume on its own.

No data loss: Don’t worry about missing any data during these pauses. Synder ensures that once the API is available again, it’ll continue from the exact point where it stopped.

In short, API limits are common in many integrations, but Synder has built-in solutions to handle these pauses smoothly, ensuring your data is imported and synchronized without missing a beat.

Reach out to the Synder Team via online support chat, phone, or email with any questions you have – we’re always happy to help you!

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