In this guide, you will learn how Synder imports and compiles summaries from your connected integrations.

When integrations are connected, Synder continuously imports data via automated processes. You can review these imports by navigating to Summaries > Import Activity Log. For more details on import types, refer to this guide.

Import process overview

The import process begins from the earliest import start date selected on the historical data import page. Typically, this is the start date of your first import after creating your organization.

After the data is imported, Synder compiles it into summaries based on your summary period settings. You can learn more about these settings here. The timing of summary synchronization depends on the synchronization frequency you selected, whether it’s daily auto-sync, fully fetched auto-sync, or manual sync. More information on these options is available here.

Example 1: Daily synchronization

For instance, if you have Stripe connected and its synchronization frequency set to daily, all summaries upon the first import will be labeled as Fetching and Pending. This indicates that the system is collecting all transactions from the selected start date and compiling them into daily summaries. Once all transactions are processed, the summaries will be finalized and ready for synchronization. The synchronization process will be automatic or manual, depending on your settings.

Please note that summaries for the current day (the day you are viewing the list) may remain in the Fetching and Pending statuses until the next day. This ensures that Synder captures all possible data within the entire day.

Example 2: Synchronization per payout

In another scenario, if your synchronization period is set to per payout, a summary will not appear until the payout is issued by the integration and fetched by Synder. Once the payout and the respective transactions are fetched, a summary will be generated and added to the summary list. This summary will be ready for synchronization, covering the appropriate date range (as payouts usually occur once every few days, the summary will reflect this period).

In some cases, if a payout within the import date range includes transactions that occurred before the selected import start date, Synder may also import these earlier transactions. This ensures that the summary fully reflects all transactions associated with the payout, providing complete and precise entries.

Reach out to Synder Team via online support chat, phone, or email with any questions you have – we are always happy to help you!

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